healthcare payments

Health Tech

Why Patients Are Demanding a More Digital Healthcare Payment Process

Patient demand for digital payment communication — both reminders about bills, as well as text messages that enable bill payment — is on the rise, according to a recent report. This is in line with growing consumerism trends in the U.S. — patients want their healthcare payment experience to mimic the convenience and ease they have when they pay for things like travel or retail goods.

Health Tech

Geisinger CEO: Price variability won’t be solved unless payers & providers get on the same page

Price transparency data has revealed there is a high degree of price variance for healthcare procedures depending on patients' insurance carriers and the location in which services are delivered. Jaewon Ryu, Geisinger’s president and CEO, said that the only way this variability can be addressed is by getting decision makers on the payment side much more aligned with the care delivery side of things.

Health Tech
money cash capital

Providence denies ‘disturbing’ debt collection practices alleged by senator

Providence issued a response to a letter sent by Sen. Patty Murray of Washington, in which she demanded the health system answer questions about its alleged efforts to aggressively bill patients who qualified for free or discounted care. The response denied that Providence aggressively pursued its poorest patients for medical debt, asserting that its “commitment to those in need has never been stronger.”

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